Maria and Me by Miguel Gallardo - A guide and extract

Monday 26 March kicks off Autism Awareness Week.

We are thrilled to have the brilliant Maria and Me by Miguel Gallardo as one of our Mischief Makers Summer Reading Challenge selected books.

It’s a father’s first-hand account of what life is like with his daughter Maria who has autism. On a trip to the Canary Islands in Spain, some challenges arise as a result. This comic shows how the two work around these issues, and gives insight into how Maria sees and experiences the world.

The comic is a sweet and brief guide for educators to understand a little more about what it is like for children with autism, along with advice for how to respond better to children with ASD.

Miguel has also worked with the Orange Foundation to present the Specialist Academy, a short animated film clip which shows in an easy going and fun way the special talents that a lot of kids with autism have and are not always understood when seen from the outside.

We want to thank Miguel and Jessica Kingsley Publishers for sharing with us this great content including an extract of Maria and Me for you to read and enjoy.

The Reading Agency

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